Friday, January 31, 2014

Monte Lussari by Gitta

Monte santo Lussari is a holy pilgrimage, a place where the three major language groups meet in prayer and desire for peace. The Lussari Mount is situated in the center of the forest of Tarvisio, that also in this age of modernization and of realization of great public works has maintened its naturalistic beauties, also thanks to its rational exploitation of the resources that the forest produces. For this reason, in this habitat live a lot of animals (from the deers to the roebucks, chamoises, ibexes, who are been reintroduced successfully since 20 years), the golden eagle and other small predatories, the capercaillie (symbol of the forest of Tarvisio), the forcello cock, partridges and coturnici, foxes, hares and marmots, moreover occasionally are sight in forest the brown bear, the lynx and the wild boar. The natural contest is an example of are beauty as for the Lussari mount is surrounded by the highest tops of the chain of the Alps giulie, that stretched away also in the Slovenia; here can be admired the Mangart, The Cacciatore mount, the tops of Riofreddo, the group of the Jof Fuart and the Montasio(the highest top of the Italian Alps that is 2753 meters up below the sea level)). North, to the border with Austria it begins the chain of the Alps Carniche (Karnischen Alpen), here we can see the Oisternig Mount, and in distance can be admired, in the more limpid eyes, the chain of the hogh Tauri. until the Glossklochner (the highest Top of Austria that is 3700 meters up below the sea level). Thank you for visiting my gallery and I wish you a beautiful weekend .

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