Monday, September 29, 2014

The Fin by GreggB Add me

I know that this part of Lower Antelope Canyon in Arizona has been "shot do death" already but I wanted to have my own version of it in high resolution nonetheless. I did take several shots of the place before (four or five years ago) but with a much older camera at only 8MP, if I'm not mistaken. This image is a blend of three shots exposed at 0, -1, and -2 F-stops to get the sky right. The walls are a lot darker and require a lot more exposure time than the sky, which needs only a fraction of that time so a single shot will make the sky overexposed (it'll become just a white spot). To remedy the problem I used the exposure bracketing feature, almost all cameras are equipped with, and as mentioned took three shots. The blending was done in PS CC. Enjoy,

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